Together, we can build
a brighter future.

Together, we can build
a brighter future.


Together, we can build
a brighter future.


We provide counseling for those who are: struggling with depression, anxiety, grief & bereavement issues, anger management, domestic violence, stress & difficulty with cultural adjustment, substance abuse, and other psychological conflicts. We abide by the HIPPA rules and keep personal information confidential.

We provide counseling for those who are: struggling with depression, anxiety, grief & bereavement issues, anger management, domestic violence, stress & difficulty with cultural adjustment, substance abuse, and other psychological conflicts. We abide by the HIPPA rules and keep personal information confidential.

Individual Counseling 개인 상담

Individual Counseling

개인 상담

Couples & Family Counseling
부부 및 가정 상담

Couples & Family Counseling
부부 및 가정 상담

Our trained counselors provide assisting couples & families with issues in personal conflicts, poor communication, difficult children, affairs, parenting and many others in English or Korean. In addition, the Imago Relationship Therapy, a service developed by Dr. Hendricks and Dr. Helen Hunt is provided by a trained therapist to focus on each couple’s unique style of communication and gives them long-term skills to sustain their relationship in any situation.

Our trained counselors provide assisting couples & families with issues in personal conflicts, poor communication, difficult children, affairs, parenting and many others in English or Korean. In addition, the Imago Relationship Therapy, a service developed by Dr. Hendricks and Dr. Helen Hunt is provided by a trained therapist to focus on each couple’s unique style of communication and gives them long-term skills to sustain their relationship in any situation.

All services are provided by professionals who share the same language and culture as those served, critical to the development of trust that is so necessary for successful mental health care and treatment.

Child & Youth Counseling

아동 및 청소년 상담

Child & Youth Counseling

아동 및 청소년 상담

Related Services

Related Services

Educational Therapy 학습 테라피

Educational Therapy
학습 테라피

Educational therapy services help students remediate specific skill deficits that may be contributing to school challenges.

Educational therapy services help students remediate specific skill deficits that may be contributing to school challenges.

Art Therapy 아트 테라피

Art Therapy
아트 테라피

Art therapy is an intervention that uses creative art activities that surpass language barriers to help children understand their inner selves as well as find security.

Art therapy is an intervention that uses creative art activities that surpass language barriers to help children understand their inner selves as well as find security.

Play Therapy 놀이 테라피

Play Therapy
놀이 테라피

Play therapy is a systematic approach that uses a theoretical model that allows children to develop an interpersonal process.

Play therapy is a systematic approach that uses a theoretical model that allows children to develop an interpersonal process.

ADHD Coaching & Consulting

ADHD Coaching & Consulting

ADHD Coaching can assist students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), and executive functioning disorders (EFD), however a formal diagnosis is not required to utilize this service.

ADHD Coaching can assist students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), and executive functioning disorders (EFD), however a formal diagnosis is not required to utilize this service.

Certified Parenting Education Class

공인된 육아 교육 클래스 운영

Certified Parenting Education Class

공인된 육아 교육 클래스 운영

Certified Parenting Education Class

공인된 육아 교육 클래스 운영

FCCGW offers parenting education classes for self-referred clients as well as those who received referrals from the Virginia Circuit Court and Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court.

FCCGW offers parenting education classes for self-referred clients as well as those who received referrals from the Virginia Circuit Court and Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court.

Emergency & After Hours

Emergency & After Hours

위급한 상황 발생시 먼저 911로 즉각 연락하시기 바랍니다.

위급한 상황 발생시 먼저 911로 즉각 연락하시기 바랍니다.

Crisis Hotlines Numbers

Concern Hotline (VA)

Baltimore City (MD)

Frederick County (MD)

Howard County (MD)

Montgomery County

Crisis Hotlines Numbers

Concern Hotline (VA)

Baltimore City (MD)

Frederick County (MD)

Howard County (MD)

Montgomery County

Crisis Hotlines Numbers

Concern Hotline (VA)

Baltimore City (MD)

Frederick County (MD)

Howard County (MD)

Montgomery County


Family Counseling Center of Greater Washington

1952 Gallows Road #210 Vienna, VA 22182

Tel: (703) 761-2225

Fax: (703) 761-2227

© 2024 FCCGW


Family Counseling Center of Greater Washington

1952 Gallows Road #210 Vienna, VA 22182

Tel: (703) 761-2225

Fax: (703) 761-2227

© 2024 FCCGW


Family Counseling Center of Greater Washington

1952 Gallows Road #210 Vienna, VA 22182

Tel: (703) 761-2225

Fax: (703) 761-2227

© 2023 FCCGW