한인 어르신들을 위한 프로그램

한인 어르신들을 위한 프로그램

한인 어르신들을 위한 프로그램

About K-SCAP:

About K-SCAP:

About K-SCAP:

The K-SCAP is a peer-driven mental health care program designed for Korean seniors. Certified senior care providers, known as SCAPers, offer emotional support to other seniors through various community outlets. K-SCAP training is a six weeks course offered by a licensed professional counselor and a marriage therapist.

The K-SCAP is a peer-driven mental health care program designed for Korean seniors. Certified senior care providers, known as SCAPers, offer emotional support to other seniors through various community outlets. K-SCAP training is a six weeks course offered by a licensed professional counselor and a marriage therapist.

The K-SCAP is a peer-driven mental health care program designed for Korean seniors. Certified senior care providers, known as SCAPers, offer emotional support to other seniors through various community outlets. K-SCAP training is a six weeks course offered by a licensed professional counselor and a marriage therapist.

The K-SCAP Provides:

The K-SCAP Provides:

The K-SCAP Provides:

  • a supportive community for Korean seniors to enhance their social well-being. 

  • a new purpose and meaning

  • healthy social connection

  • positive relationship building with the next generation

  • a supportive community for Korean seniors to enhance their social well-being. 

  • a new purpose and meaning

  • healthy social connection

  • positive relationship building with the next generation

  • a supportive community for Korean seniors to enhance their social well-being. 

  • a new purpose and meaning

  • healthy social connection

  • positive relationship building with the next generation


동무지기가 무엇인가요? What is K-SCAP?

이 동무기지 프로그램 진행 이유는 뭘까요? Why does the FCC offer this?

어떻게 하면 동무지기가 될수 있나요? How do I become SCAPers?

트레이닝은 언제이며 강사는 누구인가요? When is SCAP training?

동무지기로 승인을 받고 나면 무슨 일이 하지요? What can I do after becoming a certified SCAPer?

동무지기 프로그램은 얼마인지요? How much does SCAP training cost?

동무지기 프로그램에 커미트먼트가 뭔가요? What is the commitment involved?

동무지기 프로그램은 한글로 진행되나요? Is SCAP training conducted in Korean?

다른 혜택들은 없나요? What are the additional benefits?

Can I sign up for my parents or neighbors?


Family Counseling Center of Greater Washington

1952 Gallows Road #210 Vienna, VA 22182

Tel: (703) 761-2225

Fax: (703) 761-2227


© 2024 FCCGW


Family Counseling Center of Greater Washington

1952 Gallows Road #210 Vienna, VA 22182

Tel: (703) 761-2225

Fax: (703) 761-2227


© 2023 FCCGW


Family Counseling Center of Greater Washington

1952 Gallows Road #210 Vienna, VA 22182

Tel: (703) 761-2225

Fax: (703) 761-2227


© 2024 FCCGW